The Chicago Diner: Thanksgiving Promotion

The annual Thanksgiving campaign was usually restricted to promoting on social media, email, in-store signage, flyers, and menus. But adding Facebook and Instagram ads targeting past purchasers, lookalikes, geographic region, and interest keywords bumped sales by 73% over the prior year.

Annual social media posts for followers.

Results: 73% increase in sales

While each year experienced sales growth since I took over marketing for The Diner, the addition of a Facebook and Instagram ad campaign and redesigned online storefront resulted in 73% increase in sales that year.

I use multivariate testing to fine tune delivery and focus on winning ads.

COVID impact: 97% increase over 2019

Holiday sales increase by 97% in 2020. I attribute this to two factors: I revised my target data for the campaign and travel restrictions meant more people were dining at home.