Ripon Printers: LinkedIn Lead Generation Promotion

Research had shown there were hidden influencers to print buyers within agencies and corporations and Ripon’s sales team was unable to reach them. These influencers were designers and art directors. I created a lead generation campaign to appeal directly to creatives.

Initially, Ripon wanted to focus only on a print campaign using XMPie personalization. I convinced them to let me compare it to a LinkedIn ad campaign with the same promotional item and targeting the same demographics. Below are diagrams showing the flow of each campaign, the designs used, and the results.

Direct Mail Campaign Design:

The “What typeface are you?” campaign used email, post cards, and pURL landing pages to reach creative directors in positions to influence print buying decisions. The Lead Magnet was the same designer toolkit used in the broader LinkedIn campaign (see below).


Lower engagement than the LinkedIn campaign (see below) and the cost per response was much higher. Cost per lead (per landing page completed): $26.16 each, not including cost of creative or kit components.

LinkedIn Campaign:

My single-channel LinkedIn ad campaign was designed to reach creative directors in position to influence print buying decisions. The Lead Magnet was the same designer toolkit used in the more complex “What typeface are you?” printed mailer campaign (see above).

Ad formats included a variety of photo and copy combinations with the two shown here being the top performers. Interestingly, longer text descriptions resulted in more actual leads.

I also tested both an external landing page hosted on our client’s server and LinkedIn’s own LeadGen forms, which ultimately performed better.


17.3% conversion rate which is almost 3x the average US B2B rate of 6.1% on LinkedIn.

Cost per lead (per landing page completed): $9.75 each not including cost of creative or kit components.