Ripon Printers: Rebranding & Advertising

Working with Ripon Printers since 2004 has allowed me to position this company for growth and ultimately, successful sale of the company in 2019. Ripon started as a small, midwestern newspaper publisher. My rebranding in 2004 positioned them to compete against the big boys—Quad, RR Donnelly, and Banta—and again in 2019 to be successfully sold to a larger printer.

Corporate Collateral
Communications Revolution Multichannel Campaign

While the first rebranding shifted them toward an illustrative approach to differentiate Ripon from competing catalog companies. In 2019, I shifted them to a multichannel brand personality to encompass their additional social media, email, augmented reality, and other digital services.

Ad Series

In addition to brochures, sell sheets, case studies, white papers, website, advertisements, and email templates, I’ve created various Lead Magnets allowing the sales team multiple touch points with prospects. Below are the Tip Books Box Set and the Video Mailer.

Tip Book Set for sales team to use when meeting prospects.
Set of five corporate videos and sleeve that can be mailed and also used by sales as a leave behind.